Sunday, October 23, 2011


 Calculator - I use my calculator more than I would care to admit. As an Engineer, the more my calculator can do the better, which is why shelled out for a complicated TI-89. To be honest I don't completely know how to use it...
Life Line

Cell Phone - I can't afford a iPhone or any other smart phone. This phone can makes phone calls and send text messages, it is simple but works. This thing ties me to my friends and family I am tied to this thing.

GPS - I enjoy traveling and seeing new places. This can be difficult when you are by yourself and have to navigate. I don't want to try reading a map while traveling or have to look everything up before I head out. The gps is convenient allows me to be spontaneous.

Book Bag - It isn't a book bag, but rather a big bag of everything. I have rulers, stapler, posits, markers, text books, pencils, pens, highlighters, paper, binder, note book, lunch bag, playing cards, head phones, water, camera, calculator, plastic wear, gloves, a hat, and quite often the news paper. My friends love to make fun of my book bag, until they need a pencil or fork.
Be Prepared

Locker -I never expected to have a locker in college. Now that I have one I don't know know what I did the first two years here with out it. I no longer have to carry 3 or 4 books back and forth. It also makes a great snack cabinet for the nights were I am up late doing work.
Welcomed Convenience

Desktop Computer - When I needed a new computer I opted to build one on my own. I put a lot of time into understanding how all the components work individually and together. When I get home the first thing I do is power on the workstation.

Scott Lab - This is the Mechanical Engineering building, my home away from home. I am not proud to admit I have spent more than one night here. This is where my friends and I "hang out."


Xbox 360
- I have been playing video games for as long as I can remember. When I was little it was a great way to spend time with my grandma and pass the time. Now the 360 just sits, waiting to be used. For some reason the only time I really want to play is when I know that I should be doing homework.

98' Dode Stratus - My car, Monica, can clean out the wallet. Because she is an older car things are starting to break and need replacing. That being said we have been on many memorable trips together and I don't look forward to passing her on to my sister.

Futon- Most of the time I pile clean clothes on my bed. It makes a great place to fold or organize things. The only down side is that you can no longer sleep there. That is when the futon comes to save the day. Not only is it my big comfy couch, but it also changes into the weekend getaway.

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