Tuesday, November 8, 2011

MP5: To Flood

My two actions words were flood and shave. I began by finding the definition of the words and the brainstorming ideas. Shaving was immediately the word I wanted to choose. The first thing I thought of was, “No Shave November”. An event I have not yet been able to participate because of an inability to grow facial hair. As my list grew I decided to move onto brainstorming for the other word, flood. Once my lists were complete I realized I had nothing to go with. After some help an old chemistry demonstration popped into my head. 


When we were first learning about the bonds between molecules the teacher would put droplets of water on a coin. As a class we would count the number of drops that fit on the coin. I was always amazed how much would fit on the coin and how covalent bonds made it possible. 

When it comes to coins I have a very bad habit of picking up every penny, nickel, dime, or quarter that I see. It doesn’t seem like much at the time but I collect the loose change and once a year I cash it in. Usually I end up with enough to buy a video game, the one and only video game that I will allow myself to buy a year. 

Because of the reward this odd habit has it has become very dear to me. So, I decided that I would flood the two most common coins that I find, the penny and the dime. Instead of using just plain water I used food coloring. My intention was to create a record on paper of the process that I was using. I dropped the two coins and added food coloring until there was so much that it spilled over the edge. I repeated this process with different colors. 

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